
Showing posts from September, 2018

Pastoral visitation

Last week I visited one of my church members and her daughter. It was nice to listen to their story. Doing pastoral visits encourages... Relationships. Pastoral visits strengthen relationships between minister and their church members. Relationships are important in ministry, so pastoral visits help church members to know their minister. It also stops people saying... "We never see our minister" or  "Rev never visits me" The minister can also encourage church members to visit one another. Having a pastoral list with class leaders is important. This develops unity within the church. St Paul had a lot to say on unity when he writes... A  Church Divided Over Leaders 'I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought' - 1 Corinthians 1:10. My reflection......

Reflection on Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again

It was my day off so Helen and I wanted to do something. We ended up going to Everyman cinema to watch Mamma Mia: Here We Go again.        Film takes place shortly following the events of Mamma Mia 1. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) has been doing up the hotel ever since her mother, Donna (Meryl Streep), passed away.  Some theological themes I picked up from the film.  1. Holding tight to memories Sophie is opening the hotel to keep her mums memory going. Sophie doesn’t want to let her mum down!  Death of a loved one is a painful experience. When someone we love dies, part of us dies with that person. Hence the suffering. Sophie is experiencing this in the film.  Pierce Brosnan's character Sam is also mourning his beloved with the song the two sang in the first film's spirited duet, "SOS." However, this time he sings it alone and poignantly. We are the body …. ‘if one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if...

Second week in ministry

After an encouraging first week it was time for my second week.  I have quickly discovered how much of an honour it is to minister to God’s people. So far I have encountered God in worship, conversations, home communion, meetings, days off with Helen and study day.  What will my second week bring? Let’s find out…  Sunday 6th September  I preached and presided at Holy Communion at Middle Lane. I shared my testimony to introduce myself to the congregation. I still feel it’s such a privilege to preside in communion. To say the following words ‘Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. Those who come to me shall not hunger and those who believe in me shall never thirst.” Draw near with faith’ is such an honour because I am inviting ‘all’ people to an open table. Doing communion in African churches is different from my own context because children and young people have a blessing. This is because parents want their child to receive communion after confir...

First week in ministry

1st September - Methodist New Year Today I visited Muswell Hill Churches Together prayer breakfast. I also got to speak with a pastoral secretary from one of my churches.  Helen and I also attended St Mark’s Church for Jasmine’s induction of connexional youth president. Encouraging to see people full of the Holy Spirit. We had a rave at St Mark’s.  On Sunday I presided at Holy Communion for the first time at Holly Park. Such an honour to be called by God to share communion. I also shared my testimony and congregation got to know me more. And it also encouraged people to share their story. Like the hymn says ‘this is my story, this is my song’.  This week I have also…. ⁃             Attended a stewards meeting ⁃             Attended a community meeting  ⁃             ...

Hello & welcome

We arrived in our new home on 2nd August at 10:45pm. We was welcomed to the manse by circuit administrator and two church stewards. They even filled up our fridge.  Both Helen and I have had weeks of saying goodbye, so it was nice to finally say hello. Since moving I have kept a journal of events/ encounters and would like to share key moments with you… 3rd August - a removal worker shared about his wife poorly back in Poland. I prayed with him around the bed. He came back a week after to pick up some boxes. It was good to see him again and I wanted to know how his wife was doing. He said that his wife felt better at 2pm and that was the time we prayed. Prayer works! We just need to be open to the Holy Spirit.  4th August - we was invited to a 70th birthday bbq. Lovely Caribbean food! It was nice to be welcomed to one of the church members and her family. 6th August - was invited to attend a neighbours bbq. Only arrived four days ago and we’ve ...

Time to say goodbye

With each goodbye we say, we feel the loss of familiarity in our lives. For example, new career opportunities take us to different locations, children go off to college and loved ones die. Saying goodbye can be a choice, while others it’s chance, stress or grief.  Many songs mention goodbye:  ⁃             “Goodbye my lover” by James Blunt ⁃             “Farewell” by Rihanna  ⁃             “Time to say goodbye” by Andrea Bocelli and Sara Brightman  ⁃              “Go your own way” by Fleetwood Mac These are just a few of many songs mentioning goodbye. I share this because in July Helen and I said goodbye to friends in Harrogate. We’ve been truly blessed living and working in Harrogate. 8 years ago I was appointed as the chi...


Welcome to my blog! I will be sharing my story, services, joys and frustrations. I hope this blog helps people to see how affirming ministry is and how wonderful it is to be a Christian. Enjoy!