Second week in ministry
After an encouraging first week it was time for my second week.
I have quickly discovered how much of an honour it is to minister to God’s people. So far I have encountered God in worship, conversations, home communion, meetings, days off with Helen and study day.
What will my second week bring? Let’s find out…
Sunday 6th September
I preached and presided at Holy Communion at Middle Lane. I shared my testimony to introduce myself to the congregation. I still feel it’s such a privilege to preside in communion. To say the following words ‘Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. Those who come to me shall not hunger and those who believe in me shall never thirst.” Draw near with faith’ is such an honour because I am inviting ‘all’ people to an open table.
Doing communion in African churches is different from my own context because children and young people have a blessing. This is because parents want their child to receive communion after confirmation. I need to remember this when doing communion.
Monday 10th September
Attended my first staff meeting. I feel that everyone is far more experienced than me. However, it was nice when a colleague said that I can bring a lot to the team because I’m younger. Hearing these words were comforting. The following bible verses are a comfort to me….
But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you” - Jeremiah 1: 7
‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young ‘ - 1 Timothy 4: 12
God looks beyond labels and sees a person made in his image.
It is nice to be part of a multi-cultural team.
Local preachers meeting - a very good first meeting. Nice to spend devotions in groups by opening the bible. We looked at Jonah chapter 1. To be honest I sometimes feel like Jonah. Is London like Nineveh? London is a great city, but so much mission and social justice needs to be done. I am amazed how many homeless people are in London.
11th September
Enjoyed my first Haringey Citizens leaders meeting. People think you can’t influence business people or politicians. Just look at the campaigns below. Haringey Citizens are in talks with Spurs football club to use the living wage. Local people are the real voices!! Nice to know what’s happening in my area. Also useful for my orientation project
12th - 13th September - Probation Residential
Venue: Chigwell Convent
Good to know what’s happening in the London District. Excellent talks by Nigel Cowgill, Jonathan Mead, Anthony Reddie, Kathleen Henriques-Brown and Jongi Zihle.
It was nice to meet fellow probationers and early years. The 24 hours helped me to put my mind at rest on probationers study. Comforting to have friends and support of the London District.
Jonathan shared things happening around district. I am interested in using ‘talking of God together’ in my churches. Jonathan showed a puzzle (below) on how you can connect the sixteen dots with sin (joined) line segments without lifting your pencil off the paper?
The solution to the puzzle is: “think outside the (dotted) box!” I think the solution is the same for our churches when doing mission. We need to think outside the box and look beyond our church walls.
Matthew 28:16-20 New International Version (NIV)
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Professor Anthony led a very good talk on diversity. He talked about how people see things differently. Your context shapes you!
Jongi led our communion. He invited us to ‘just be’ like Moses. Jongi said to be ‘just be’ but also be present.
Chigwell Convent
15th September
Heigh ho, heigh hi, it’s off to synod we go! Really enjoyed my first London Synod.
Inspiring talk by Rev Jonathan Hustler on ‘our calling’. ‘Mark Zuckerberg knows more about the person then the person sitting next to them at church’ - Jonathan
16th September
Encouraging day at Muswell Hill Methodist Church. This morning I shared my testimony and preached on ‘our calling’. This evening Helen and I hosted youth club at the manse. We’ll be hosting youth club every other Sunday. Nice to be using my strengths
My two weeks in ministry have been very different, but I am enjoying every minute of it.
More reflections next week.
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