Reflection on Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again

It was my day off so Helen and I wanted to do something. We ended up going to Everyman cinema to watch Mamma Mia: Here We Go again. 


Film takes place shortly following the events of Mamma Mia 1. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) has been doing up the hotel ever since her mother, Donna (Meryl Streep), passed away. 

Some theological themes I picked up from the film. 

1. Holding tight to memories

Sophie is opening the hotel to keep her mums memory going. Sophie doesn’t want to let her mum down! 

Death of a loved one is a painful experience. When someone we love dies, part of us dies with that person. Hence the suffering. Sophie is experiencing this in the film. 

Pierce Brosnan's character Sam is also mourning his beloved with the song the two sang in the first film's spirited duet, "SOS." However, this time he sings it alone and poignantly. We are the body …. ‘if one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it’ - 1 Corinthians 12:26

However, I believe there  is great comfort in death. In the Bible Jesus says “I am with you always”. 
The words “I am with you always” are demonstrated in the film when flashing back to Donna’s life. 
Our story shapes our life! 

2. Donna’s spirit appears 

Meryl Streep appears at the end and boy this is emotional. Donna’s spirit appears in the chapel where daughter Sophie and son-in-law baptises their baby. Donna is only visible to Sophie as the two   sing the duet “My Love, My Life” while the scene flashes back to Sophie’s baptism in the same church…

My Love, My Life

I’ve never felt this strong
I’m invincible, how could this go wrong? 
No, here’s where we belong
I see a road ahead
I never thought I would dare to tread

Chorus: Donna: 
Like an image passing by. 
My love, my life 
In the mirror of your eyes
My love, my life 
I can see it all so clearly 
All I love so dearly 
Images passing by 
Like reflections of your mind
My love, my life
Are the words I try to find
My love, my life 
But I know I don’t possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You will be my love and my life
You’re my one and only. 

Verse 2: Donna
I held you close to me
Felt your heart beat
And I thought: I am free
Oh yes, and as one are we
In the now and beyond 
Nothing and no one can break this bound 

Chorus: Donna & Sophie 
Like an image passing by. 
My love, my life 
In the mirror of your eyes
My love, my life 
I can see it all so clearly 
All I love so dearly 
Images passing By 
Like reflections of your mind
My love, my life
Are the words I try to find 
My love, my life
But I know I don’t possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You will be my love and my life
You’re my one and only’

Outro: Donna & Sophie 
With all my heart, God bless you
You are still my love and my life.
You’re my one and only. 

This scene made me think about Mary weeping in the garden for Jesus (John 20: 11-18). 

We miss our love ones. Why? Because they’re still our love and our life.  

I really enjoyed the film. I left feeling uplifted with the Abba Songs. However, I must confess I would be in tears if I watched the film on my own. The film can help us when missing a loved one.


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