Reflections on my first year in ministry
“We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road; we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load’ (StF 611 Brother, sister, let me serve you)
On Thursday 30th August 2018, Helen and I arrived at Muswell Hill Methodist Church for my welcome service. While it doesn't seem possible, over one year has passed and so much has taken place. When I reflect back over my first year in ministry, I can only thank God for all that's happened.
It is such an honour to minister to God's people. I have encountered God in worship, conversations, services, communion, home communion, meetings, days off with Helen and my study day. What I love about doing pastoral visits is that we come as guest into another person's house. We bring church to the person!
How would I describe my first year in ministry?
- Reassuring
- Privilege
- Scary
- Tiring
- Worthwhile
All of the above rolled into one.

God has been doing great things here. People are connecting with God in new ways, they are finding hope, they are finding life, and most of all, they are finding acceptance through the love of Jesus. This is because this church is a community that cares for one another, willing to try new things, generous in sharing of talent and time for the sake of the living Gospel.
Since arriving we've been made to feel welcomed. A warm and sincere welcome gives a sense of caring and makes people feel appreciated. Helen and I feel welcome in North London. Jesus said 'for I was hungry and you have me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me.
This year is an important journey for me to my ordination. If everything goes to plan, I will be ordained on my birthday (28thJune) in Telford. Not a bad birthday present!
Look forward to the next journey
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