Holiday Part 2 - where to visit?

Decisions - so many choices to do during the holidays… Visit the zoo The beach (not an overcrowded beach at Bournemouth) Trips Walking Museums For many, the holidays are the best time of year. The smell of the countryside, the warm twinkle of fairy lights, and of course, the extra family time. But for others, the holidays can be the most stressful of times especially those trips you wish you wasn’t on. 7 Strategies for Dealing with a Difficult Family Member During the Holidays Set boundaries. ... Realise you're not a magician or counsellor Avoid drama Have an exit strategy Wear a shield Open your heart, Give thanks. Helen and I like to go to the seaside and have fish and chips. We like to eat our fish n chips with our fingers from open paper with the smell of salt n vinegar. Sometimes when planning what to do on holiday we create so much unnecessary scheduled holiday programme planning. We plan and get frustrated when nothing comes of it. And like tho...