Reflections on my first year in ministry

“We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road; we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load’ (StF 611 Brother, sister, let me serve you) On Thursday 30th August 2018, Helen and I arrived at Muswell Hill Methodist Church for my welcome service. While it doesn't seem possible, over one year has passed and so much has taken place. When I reflect back over my first year in ministry, I can only thank God for all that's happened. It is such an honour to minister to God's people. I have encountered God in worship, conversations, services, communion, home communion, meetings, days off with Helen and my study day. What I love about doing pastoral visits is that we come as guest into another person's house. We bring church to the person! How would I describe my first year in ministry? Reassuring Privilege Scary Tiring Worthwhile All of the above rolled into one. ...