Fear or Doubt

Is FEAR or DOUBT holding you back?

Exploring this question, we can take comfort from the Passion narrative because it has much to say about individual stories of fear and anxiety. On Maundy Thursday, Peter is anxious that he should be washing Jesus’ feet through the sacrificial task of foot-washing. In Gethsemane Peter cuts off a guard’s ear and his response resulted to fear when he denies Jesus three times.  

On Easter Sunday we celebrate that Christ is Risen. Resurrection Sunday celebrates the Easter mystery, we hear the story of the women finding the tomb empty, and the first words they are “Do not be afraid.” Themes of fear and doubt are throughout Easter and it is present even today…

When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information about a condition, treatment options, or practical issues is vital. Mind Charity (www.mind.org.uk) provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. 

Mental health awareness week starts every year on the second Monday in May -in 2019 from 13-19thMay. In a world that is increasingly opening up to and understanding those with mental health issues, it’s no surprise that Mental Health Awareness Week is becoming very popular. The them for awareness week is ‘Surviving or Thriving?’

The Church has much to learn about mental health and the first practical step is raising awareness of it. The importance of this should not be underestimated and many resources are available (books, leaflets and websites). The Methodist Church website has resources 

In August (4th) I will be taking part in Ride London. I am looking forward to cycling over the Surrey hills and streaming under Admiralty Arch before a spectacular finish on The Mall. Every year thousands of amateur cyclists participate in the 100-mile challenge on the same closes roads as the professionals, with the added incentive of raising money for good causes. I have chosen to cycle for ‘Mind’ because I have known people who suffer from mental health and also, I have known people who have taken their life. I need to raise £500. If you would like to sponsor me please visit my funding page  https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=MatthewLunn2&pageUrl=2&fbclid=IwAR26p7aF0wmUrkrgFzwkkkGh-a92uOxM3b5HxtXKuQ6mk-BvZaUxi4S4LK8. You are invited to the manse for coffee on 8thJune to help me raise funds (see poster). 

The Church is part of the body of Christ and we are the church together which means you’re not in this alone. Peer support changes lives because we need each other. 

The Risen Jesus is for all people.


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