I Can Find Satisfaction
Do you ever think “why am I doing full-time ministry when I could be doing something else”?
I’m having one of those weeks when I feel my honeymoon period of ministry is over. This week I’ve forgotten my church car park keys resulting in driving back for them and today discovering the communion wine had gone off just before doing home communion. All I found myself asking was ‘why am I doing this’.
But then I saw this below prayer from Rev Ruth Gee in the Methodist Prayer Handbook…
Lord, it isn’t easy.
It isn’t easy to speak out for you when they don’t want to listen.
It isn’t easy to live by your story when they don’t believe it.
It isn’t easy to welcome the stranger when the unfamiliar looks frightening
It isn’t easy to be open to others when they might change me.
It isn’t easy to follow you when you go to the wrong places.
Child, it isn’t easy.
It isn’t easy to walk with me toward Jerusalem.
It isn’t easy to trust when you want to direct.
It isn’t easy to let go when you want to grasp tightly.
It isn’t easy, but rest in me, trust my love and you will be born anew.
Lord, help me to trust you and share your love that the world may be transformed. Amen.
I find myself saying this prayer many times in my first six months of ministry and found it a great comfort.
It reminds me when Jesus said to His disciples, “whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23).”
The call to Jesus Himself is the ultimate call on our lives. This is a great comfort to me.
Today I was on my way to do Home Communion and the song ‘I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’ by The Rolling Stones came on the radio.
I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I can't get no, I can't get no’
I was listening to this thinking that’s how I feel, but today’s pastoral visit changed everything.
Today I took Holy Communion to two wonderful sisters. They shared their story about growing up and living in Tanzania in the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s as an Indian family. I talked about currently reading a book by Vincent Donovan called ‘Christianity Rediscovered’. He shares his story spending time among the Masai in Tanzania as an American missioner. The sisters shared about having to hide in their room when the Masai people visited their dad.
The truth is that ‘I Can Get Satisfaction’ been a Methodist Minister and find it a great joy especially when hearing people’s stories.
I am so lucky to do what I do. I can’t complain especially when I think and pray for the 3,500 people who will be without a job when the Honda factory in Swindon shuts.
When driving back home from visiting those wonderful sisters the song ‘Making Plans for Nigel’ came on the radio. I continue to put my trust in God's love because he's got plans for me. I can find satisfaction.
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