
During my run, I was praying and I reflected on how people treat others. I've heard people have a go at people's weight or appearance. For example, people say to me that I'm bald or put a few pounds on! I remember my late Grandad Greaves wearing a hat because people would make fun of him being bald and this really upset him.
Most of us have probably laughed at someone's appearance, at someone's accent, made a crude observation, weight, hair, clothes etc. I have in the past and I'm truly sorry. At some point in time, we've all been the target of insulting comments.
Here's the thing... it's not a joke to mock someone's appearance.
I loved watching the British drama called 'Fat Friends' by Kay Mellor. The drama follows a woman's obsession and struggles to lose weight at a weekly slimming club. The scene with Jamie Rymer played by James Corden getting kicked by bullies really upset me. In an interview with Rolling Stone, James Corden said that he used humour to combat bullying for being 'fat' at school.
Last year I watched a tv programme called 'butterfly'. This powerful programme explores an eleven-year-old called Max who makes a decision to live as a girl on starting high school. Max has always dressed as a girl at home, but she no longer wants to hide who is in public. Pupils bullied Max in the playground the dressing like a girl, but deep down Max was more happier been Maxine.
People make fun of people's appearance thinking it's a joke without knowing how it will affect the person, especially in the 21st century.
Having a go at someone's appearance is an unchristian thing to do.
Jesus says 'Love God, Love People, Love Yourself!
So let's do the Christian thing and say nice things that will make people smile.
#LovePeople #LoveNeighbour #LoveYourself
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