
I am feeling good because I've just completed a 2.5 mile run (20 minutes). This is really a big deal for me because I trying to keep fit. However, I could do with some chocolate right now. During my run, I was praying and I reflected on how people treat others. I've heard people have a go at people's weight or appearance. For example, people say to me that I'm bald or put a few pounds on! I remember my late Grandad Greaves wearing a hat because people would make fun of him being bald and this really upset him. Most of us have probably laughed at someone's appearance, at someone's accent, made a crude observation, weight, hair, clothes etc. I have in the past and I'm truly sorry. At some point in time, we've all been the target of insulting comments. Here's the thing... it's not a joke to mock someone's appearance. I loved watching the British drama called 'Fat Friends' by Kay Mellor. The drama follows a woman's obsession...