
Firstly, how are you and your family? I hope you are well and keeping safe. I send my best wishes and prayers to you and those you love at this time of uncertainty, unprecedented in modern history. We are living in challenging times and as such are called to live as the Church in a different way these days. As you may be aware the Methodist Church in Britain has made the decision to suspend regular services and gatherings on its premises. This has been done to ensure that we are compliant with the UK Government's guidance during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. This means that everything in my diary is cancelled and all my Holy Week and Easter services will have to be done differently. It also means that Helen and I are unable to visit our family and friends in Hull. However, we have been contacting our family via FaceTime and HouseParty. Houseparty is a social networking service that enables group video chatting through mobile and desktop apps. Many countries have g...